I wanted to create a Gingerbread House without all of the fake colored hard candies...I never liked those anyway. The red and green everywhere reminds me of the red and green colored cherries in fruitcake, one of humankind's worst culinary creations.
Anyway, the mix comes from Dancing Deer. Since I never made the dough from scratch before, I thought we'd leave it to the professionals for the recipe and ingredients.
-After baking and assembling the house with the icing (not vegan, had some egg whites - oh well).
it was time to decorate. My 3 year old daughter helped and didn't even eat too many of the roof shingles (almonds).
The colors come from the India Tree natural food coloring kit. I still think it is too expensive, but worked nicely.
Here's what is on it:
Roof shingles:almonds
Star: Fennel Seeds
Door Frame: Panda Licorice stick
House Border: 365 White Chocolate chunks
Path: Sunflower seeds
Window and side of house: Raisins
Chimney: Goji Berries
Stones along bottom of house: Dates
Various gingerbread cookies decorated with colored icing
Next year I will probably attempt to make something else and get a correct icing recipe.