I decided to leave this year's cake to a professional. So what kind of bakery was I looking for to make the cake?
I'm not into lard balloons (that's what I call those huge icing balloons on cakes you find at Costco and HEB). The cake also needs to be eggless, so I decided a vegan cake would be awesome. With all the food allergies out there, going vegan is a great way to knock a few allergens off your list. I didn't want to call all around town to bakeries asking if they would make a vegan cake.
Who knows, it might be the first one they make. I did not want my vegan cake to look or taste like a Cake Wreck.
Sugar Tooth Bakery to the rescue!
I would have to say that Sugar Tooth Bakery would be your best bet for the most creative vegan cakes in Austin. Meghan did a great job at responding to my emails and making great suggestions.
My request for natural food based colorings was no problem.
I wanted an ice pop (Popsicle is a brand) cake as that was the theme for this summer birthday party.
I thought lemon poppyseed would be a nice refreshing flavor.
The cake was moist and not overly sweet. The icing was also light and not super thick (who needs 1/2 and inch of icing anyway) with a light lemony flavor. The yellow portion was colored with turmeric and the pink with fresh raspberry puree.
My daughter had an extra wooden musical stick and that was the ice pop stick.
I was very happy with the way the cake came out and also very happy to support a local business that is in tune with my lifestyle. Thanks again Meghan for making such a "cool" cake.
We hope you enjoyed the little bite off the top! ;)
Visit Sugar Tooth Bakery at http://www.sugartoothbakery.com/ or go by their bakery in the Community Renaissance Market off William Cannon and Westgate.